Originally Aired 12/12/99
As Scully witnessed plagues caused by an unearthed alien spaceship and later discovered it's link to the Anasazi at the start of this season, she should be a believer by now; or at the very least be on the verge of believing. So it made sense that she was actually the one to theorize the cause of this week's episode, that Henry Weems (played by Willie Garson) is extremely lucky. And to continue with the Mulder-Scully romance that's blossoming, she playfully asks if they can leave "into the sunset" after coming to that conclusion. Despite the continuity, I felt this episode was far-fetched and maybe too whimsical. Had I written this review on Friday when I was basing it off my first impression, I'd have bashed it. Especially a scene where Mulder falls through the floor and into an apartment below.
After watching it again several times this weekend, my reaction is more much positive towards "The Goldberg Variation." The whimsical story about cause and effect, chain reactions of events, is actually the reason why I like it. It's actually nice to get an episode with a satisfying conclusion that ends on an uplifting note, because it is a change of pace from the typical down-trodden endings where Mulder winds up empty-handed. The scene that tipped the scales in favor of this episode was when Scully shared a moment with a young boy named Richie (played by Shia LaBeouf.) He's likely half the age of Gillian Anderson when they filmed this in 1999 but he holds his own, unlike your typical child actor. David Duchovny even looked like he had fun making this episode during a scene where he mocks kicking down a door as he's explaining another "chain of events" to Scully. Later he points to a number at random in the phone book, yet turns up an Islamic day care, "let's call that a dry run."
The X-Files appears to be a long way off from the down-ward spiral that I've been bracing myself for since before this season began. I'm glad it actually wasn't "The Goldberg Variation" that's begun the slide. This episode proved there's still life in the series, more comedy to be mined, and more of these "cute" moments between Mulder and Scully. I can't believe I just typed that either, since I recall just a few years ago I was wanting only monsters. Now it's the monsters that seem by the numbers and these genuine David and Gillian scenes that leave me wanting more.