Aired 1/25/16
But instead of conveying the sadness Scully felt over her son, it felt more like she was acting like Mulder's nagging mom. I just didn't get a sense of the chemistry the actors used to have; perhaps they're still trying to get into the groove of their characters. I've read that Gillian was slower to become "Scully" than David was at being "Mulder", and it's obvious here. (Although this episode was supposedly filmed fifth in the production order.)
Even the case itself didn't feel like The X-Files should, as I got more of a Fringe vibe, with all of the experiments and gruesome mutations. I realized it also doesn't have that old atmosphere and cinematography, because several crew members are now working for Castle on ABC. Then it dawned on me later while writing this review. Many of the episodes from the original run featured a villain on the loose and the agents playing catch-up, other times Mulder would throw out some wild (but correct) theory within the first few minutes. Here, writer/director James Wong created a mystery that actually wasn't obvious from the start, while also touching on conspiracy elements and their son William, much like his work during the series' early seasons. Plus, this hour was chock full of those famous visuals, including a pregant woman slicing her belly and a hand emerging. That visual has stuck with me and only improved since the initial viewing.
Those moments when "Founder's Mutation" weaved William into the story were the highlights. Scully seemed to dream of a life with William as a young kid in grade school, which then turned into a nightmare when he showed signs of genetic mutations like the children in her investigation. William did show brief signs of powers as an infant, and it's still unknown whether he has abilities or lives a normal teenage life. This scene felt like the Scully of old for the first time in this mini series. Mulder's dream life with William also showed signs of that old, quirky Mulder we know and love, as he was watching 2001 and shooting rockets. His dream also turned into a nightmare, one in which long-time fans will recall mimicked the way his sister was abducted as a child.
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