Sunday, September 16, 2012

X-Files Rerun "Roland"

"I don't think they'll be performing this experiment on Beakman's World."
Originally Aired 5/6/94

I always watch an episode twice before I start writing my review. Usually the first time is to sit back and enjoy it, then the second time I'll pick out phrases and scenes that I can highlight. During the second time watching "Roland", I noticed David Nutter's name was attached as the director. I believe he's partially responsible for the success of this episode. I don't think the plot is all that thrilling, with jet engine experimenting and cryogenics, so it would have to rely on the actors' performances to get anything interesting out of it. Which is exactly what David Nutter did through the casting of guest actor Zeljko Ivanek as the title character. He brings a sweetness and sadness to the role of Roland. This episode also contains one of my favorite pieces of music from the entire run of the series, "Roland's Theme", which is a simple tune on the piano that is both sad and haunting.

Something I've always noticed in movies and television is that when people have dreams or visions, it's always in the 3rd person. You never see them performing an action through their own perspective, so as a director I would strive to be as accurate as possible, deadlines be damned! I know why they reuse footage; I'm just being silly and nitpicky. Another small nitpick is that I would think as the temperature of Roland's popsicle brother increased, he would lose his psychic link. Instead its Scully who asks Roland to turn off the machine. I guess that explains the ending scene where Roland brushes his hair before leaving the half-way house- is Arthur still inside of his head?


  1. This one is on my soon-to-review list, so I'll come back with more comments later. But the one thing I always DO remember about this episode is that piano theme!

  2. I really like this one, I thing the best things about it come down to Zeljko Ivanek's performance, one of my favourite actors thanks to wonderful turns on 24, Damages and Heroes, he is definitely an unsung hero in Hollywood.

    1. Without him it wouldn't be nearly as good. Reminds me a little of Tropic Thunder, "you don't go full-retard."

    2. Hahaha I thought about that Tropic Thunder line the entire time.

      You ma-ma-ma-make me happy....

  3. That's an interesting point about dreams/visions always being shown in the 3rd person... I absolutely agree that the casting saved this one... I still don't think it will ever be on my list of favorites but I just kind of appreciate the different kind of story they tried to tell here.
